About This Blog

I’ve been known to say that multiple sclerosis is a life sentence, not a death sentence. And truthfully, I sometimes have to remind myself of that fact. There are tough days, for sure.
But every day I strive to live and love my life to its fullest, despite my MS diagnosis. I smile often, laugh as much as possible, fill my time doing the things that make me happy, and surround myself with people I love. My name is Tricia, and I’m a San Diego native. MS has played a major role in my life since I picked up that phone call from my doctor in 1994. This unpredictable disease has shaped my life in so many ways, making me who I am today.
Through this blog, my goal is to inspire you. I share bits and pieces of my life and experiences living with MS with the goal of giving you the one thing that keeps me going every day: hope.

Thanks for visiting!

Love and hope,


32 comments on “About This Blog

  1. You always have been and will continue to be an inspiration to many. Your love of life and caring heart shows through with your generosity that you express. Keep the Hope and please keep smiling. I love you

  2. I was told by my Family Practice Dr when diagnosed…”you can let the MS control your life, or you can continue to live your life how you choose to live and be happy!” I choose to live and be happy… my way :o}

  3. You are a Great inspiration Tricia. Keep the positive feelings blazing through life. You have and will continue to inspire and help so many of us with MS along the way…MS has become a True Blessing for me and opened so many great doors. MS has connected Leah and I with you, your friends, family and so many great memories…Keep rocking ..Tim and Leah

  4. Congratulations on launching your blog! Your positivity is infectious for all of those around you. This blog will allow you to reach and help even more people. Way to go!

  5. Hi Tricia – I came across your blog today. I never read blogs and in fact when I was diagnosed w/ MS this past June (June 21, 2012 to be exact) I coudn’t bare to join any message boards, etc. They all seemed so… depressing. Today I was compelled to Google “mothers wtih multiple sclerosis” and came across your blog. It was so refreshing b/c you are so honest but at the same time optimtistic and hopeful. I really like that combination. I then read about you and that you are living in San Diego – and also that your son goes to a Christian Univ. overlooking the ocean – my husband is from Point Loma and we lived there near his Portuguese family until we moved to Clairemont last year ;). I have been fighting this battle alone both emotionally and obviously physically. It’s hard for my husband to understand and I have two small children – sons, under the age of 3. They don’t understand and I really don’t know when I’m going to burden them with it. It made me well up w/ tears when you talked about the good it did for your son, allowing him to be more compassionate, etc. I would simply love the opportunity to email with you privately. I have a lot of questions, etc. if you have time to answer. All the best to you and thanks for the blog ;).

    1. Hi Nikki,
      I totally get you, and I like this blog for the same reason; it’s positive 🙂 I was diagnosed 20 years ago and stayed away from the internet completely because , when it came to MS, it scared the bageebees out of me. Well, here I am, 20 years later with a blog I want you to visit: http://www.msopenmic.com 🙂 Your like, can be a good like!

    2. Hi Nikki,
      I’m glad we talked on the phone… now we need to plan a time to get together! You have my number, so let me know what works for you, I’m looking forward to it!

  6. MS stripped me of my career. When I could no longer teach I thought my life was over. That was 10 years ago and I sometimes still have problems believing there is any life out there for me. My partner has fibromyalgia but still teaches. She is my caregiver. It’s hard for her to deal with her pain and the pain I bring her because of my depression. I’m on some new meds because I started Tysabri and today was a great day. I pray that the medication was working and that it will continue to work. I pray quite alot and sometimes it works.

  7. Words really cannot express my gratitude for your blog. I wasn’t sure that I would ever again feel hopeful about my life with ms, but after reading your words of hope and encouragement my mind is open to possibilities for better days. It has been a long time since I have felt encouraged. thank you.

    1. Katy,
      I’m so glad my blog has encouraged you! We have to have hope living with MS, right? It’s the only way to get through each day. Thank you for taking the time to write a message. You will be in my thoughts and prayers. Tricia

    1. Thanks for the nice message! You’ve encouraged me to start writing more… it’s been one thing after another but when I stop and realize that it helps others, I know I need to start sharing! Blessings! Tricia

  8. Hi Tricia,
    I’m so happy to have found your blog! The comments left here definitely say that you are making a difference. Because of my MS I chose to stop teaching (which broke me heart), but I’ve gone on to do some really cool things. My blog about MS is my most recent. Check me out when you have a chance: http://www.msopenmic.com

    1. Estizer,
      Thanks for visiting my blog, and for giving me your website – I’ve enjoyed it! Living with MS for over 20 years has been a challenge for sure – but meeting others fighting with hope for their future is very refreshing! Keep up the good work and be happy! Tricia

  9. I came across your blog while researching online about MS. My husband and I are currently going through all the testing. They believe he has PPMS. I am so scared! Reading your blog gives me hope and brings some calmness into this chaotic time in our lives.

    1. Hi Mel,
      I’m so happy you came across my blog – my intention when I started it was to give others hope, and I’m so blessed that it helped bring you some calmness during a chaotic time. God bless you and your husband on this journey, please check back and let me know how you two are doing. ((hugs))

  10. I was surfing the web looking for “folks with ms that experienced empty nest” & found your blog. Sounds to me like you have an awesome son just like his mom. In 1986 when my boys were 6 months old & 4 years old I was diagnosed with a brain tumor. Doctors were preparing for my surgery & determined it was ms without opening me up. I don’t want to sound flip but ms changed my life for the better. Ms made me realize at an early age what is important in life & what is not. I have been happily married for 36 years & our boys Michal 28 & Jason 32 moved away from home shortly after graduating high school so to be honest my husband & I have been empty nesters for several years. We all live in Colorado & fortunately both our boys live within an hour of us. It has gotten easier especially now that both our boys have families of their own however I STILL have those teary eyed moments where I have a good cry & wonder why we can’t all just live in the same house again, maybe different wings, hahaha. I suppose I know why but sometimes I do wonder as a society why we insist our children move away from their parents & if they don’t something must be wrong. I do think when kids (or anyone) see a loved one deal with a disease like ms it makes them a little more mature & empathetic for having been exposed to it. Well its late & I am rambling but I truly was having 1 of those late night weak mom moments & reading thru your blog & particularly this topic has really helped! I will be checking in on your blog often 🙂

  11. You are a beautiful person, inside and out. I found your site for a student of mine who has MS and is also turning his life around after drug usage that led to prison. This is the best article I could have found for him because it’s upbeat but also not invasive from my position (I’m not super close to him but we definitely bonded.) Thank you for having this available. I will be sure to mention it on social media. Hugs from Coeur d’Alene, Idaho

    1. Hi Wendy,
      Thank you for your comment and for sharing my post with your friend, I hope he finds some comfort, truth and familiarity in it. It’s people like you that continue to inspire me to share my story. You can also have him follow me on Facebook at: Love My MS Life.
      Many Blessings!

  12. Hi Tricia! We have a mutual friend, Melissa Lillie. I also live in San Diego. Who are you seeing now that Dr. Chippendale passed? He was also my doctor until one day I was having a full on episode and had to call for an appt and was told the bad news. So happy to have found someone closer to chat with and I love your blog! MS is a hard thing to have without an outlet. Hope you are doing ok at the moment and keep up the positive momentum! ❤ Leigh Ann

  13. How’s going Tricia hope all is well .Im a bud of your husband on that fun witch mod tread lmao .How have you been doing ? I have MS as well n love your attitude .I found out when my kids were very young and couldn’t help being depressed about it at first but have found my happy place .I agree it has its days but overall we’re the winners ! Honestly it’s made me a better person as I used to think I was invisible and this humbling experience has brought the best out of me .Anyway best wishes to both of you I’m 50 yrs old this year I’ve had a lot of fun in life I just hate seeing kids life’s interrupted with Covid but hopefully this will make everyone stronger in the end !Be safe n keep being you !!!

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