My Anal Sphincter Has Poor Tone

I made my “diagnosis” the title of this post. I didn’t want anyone to shy away and not want to look if it read: “I Can’t Poop!” or “Don’t Take Pooping for Granted!”. But in reality, I can’t poop (on my own), and I really hope you appreciate the fact that your body just lets you know when it’s time to go. You don’t realize how this invisible symptom can interfere with a person’s life.

I should’ve written about this subject a long time ago, since it’s been well over a year since I started my journey with chronic constipation. I suppose once I wrote about my Bitch of a Bladder, it should have come pretty easy for me to write and share about another very personal, private MS symptom that I’m living with on a daily basis. I guess I was hoping it would go away, so why should I write about it?

But it hasn’t gone away. At all.

Like many of you with (or without) MS, occasional constipation happens. Maybe it’s when you’re traveling or just away from the comforts of your own home/toilet. Perhaps you’ve over-indulged on cheese (my favorite food group. God, I love cheese), aren’t drinking enough water, or are not able to exercise to help get things moving. For whatever reason, you’re plugged up, and off your schedule/game if you’re lucky enough to have one.

The point is; when it’s chronic, and you’ve had a dozen tests and procedures, tried too many  prescription medications, changed your diet, added supplements/fibers/prunes, tried what works for everyone else… with no change or relief – you feel like crap. Pun intended.

My new normal (I like that phrase), consists of using a Dulcolax suppository every three days. If I’m super lucky I get a bonus poop in-between, and then wait another three days before resorting to the torpedo-shaped, white, waxy bullet.


Once you’ve gotten the suppository where it needs to be, you wait. I wait. And wait. Despite what the box reads, it’s not very “predictable”, I’d never use the word “gentle” to describe any of the parties (for one) I have in my bathroom every three to four days, but it’s now a very important part of my life. I have no choice. My anal sphincter has been affected by my MS, so the signals aren’t nearly strong enough to get from my brain to my bowels, much like my bladder issues. Many people living with MS can have the opposite problem with their bowels: Incontinence in MS.

I left a lot of details out of this post. I understand this isn’t a popular topic to read or discuss… but when you have MS – or any other reason to have chronic constipation – I think it’s nice to know that others may be dealing with similar issues and somehow knowing that helps a little. I’m here to alway be open and honest, and do my best to tell it like it is, even when it involves the word “poop”.

My husband Steve bought me the best shirt – I don’t get to wear it often enough but it helps put some laughter into a crappy situation. Even our old english bulldog Nixon gets in on the excitement when we celebrate!

In all seriousness, I’m happy to share what I’ve tried that might work for you, or discuss any of my procedures, etc. Just leave me a comment, send an email or we can “chat” (orange message box on main page).

Love, hope and poop,



12 comments on “My Anal Sphincter Has Poor Tone

  1. You are an amazing human being and I am happy to know you! Thank you for being so transparent about your struggles.

  2. Oh my friend… so sorry you’re continuing to go through this… but I totally appreciate your continued humor and openness/honesty. I’m sure you are making others not feel so alone ❤️😘!!!

  3. Love the shirt, love your honesty, love your good heart, love your strength. Am so proud to be your “Ma”

  4. Love the TShirt and that you “pooped!’. I’m sorry you have to deal with that “crap”. Pun intended. 😘

  5. Hi Tricia, I know your husband just thru pinside and we have something in common… MS. Ive known I had it for 12 year. My first incident (we all will never forget) I was at work in a hotel at the time and could not keep my balance and slurred speech to the point coworkers thought I was drunk. I have been on Avonex from day 1 and the last couple years have been knocked off it 2 times (I refuse to engage in political talk) The first time I tried 3 cheaper pill forms in a year and the result was a collapsed immune system and went from 6% to 11% of brain surface covered in plaque which stayed at 6% the previous 10 years. This last year the letter read “no exceptions”, they were taking me off what meds work for me. If not for Covid (and the attorney I had to hire to fight along side my neuro against this happening). End result ! I won. But this is my new battle (like we need anymore) to keep on Avonex. I hope your not having this issue as it seems only people on Avonex are as far as I know. Anyway, best of luck to you and your husband. You have a great attitude and are a very inspiring person.

  6. You have been through so much in your life, and yet you put an enormous amount of positivity into the world every day. You, young lady, are awesome.

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